We place strong emphasis on the quality and reliability of our products and services. Our products and services are guaranteed to give satisfaction.
If there is a factory error, the qualified vendor will issue proper credit to replacement after receipt and inspection of goods.Freight will be paid by the qualified vendor if a factory error was made. Feel free to write or call with any comment. You will receive fast, personal attention. We want you to be as pleased as we are with the efforts of our facilities.
Program Benefits
- Yields meaningful employment and training
- Compliments and encourages efforts to deinstitutionalize people who have disabilities Advocates self-sufficiency for those with disabilities
- Reduces cost of service care for people with disabilities
- Encourages community involvement and support of people who have disabilities Supports efforts for a good business approach to spending vocational rehabilitation dollars Increases tax base
- Decreases tax requirements
- Stimulates growth of Kansas local economy
- Ensures continuity in the supply of needed services and products to customers
- Provides opportunity for State agencies to contract for services at a lower cost than in-house services Promotes productivity in vocational rehabilitation centers